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Author Topic: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?  (Read 2030 times)
Hog Doom
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MR. Whitten

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« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2011, 10:52:08 am »

doggin period should be nothing more than a joy . and to me it is purely and simply that . but i have no more joy than to see that i can do what i want on a break even scale . every body has a comfort zone as to what they want to spend in a months time on their hobby or dogs or fishin and whatever . and to condem a person for realizing that they have over shot their COMFORT ZONE and needed to cut back as much as even one dog ain't rite . and who is anybody to try and justify another mans idea of how much he or she wants to spend on their hobby . you buy a dog and don't get a trial and warrenty it is your own fault if it don;t work out . that;s all i am trying to get across .

hattak at ofi piso

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