Well, that was an adventure...good story and kind of funny...
friend of mine told me about his friend back in the 1980's when they were teenagers. His friends dad was well to do so he bought himself a 20,000 dollar horse. The son borrowed the horse without permission while dad was gone and while out and about saw a big buck. long story short he roped the deer and had the rope secured to the saddle horn. Well the deer gored the horse and tangled up with the horse somehow and then gored the kids leg but the kid got away. kid didn't show up at home so they went out and found him limping toward home and he told what happened...dad was mighty peeved...don't know what happened to the deer but the horse had to be put down and dad was very PO'ed...The son was not hurt enough for dad to overlook the accident...Son had to bury the horse and walk home...