B12 is good never thought about bananas they help me out why not a dog? Feed extra the night before and like giving them meat. 20 miles is not a lot on my blue dog he is always moving never slows down but the rest seem to tucker after about 13 so this has me to thinking?
Never heard of the bananas for a dog so is that some thing you could just add a few times a week and no problem even if not hunting hard
Honestly I really don't know anatomically if giving dogs bananas really does much. But scientifically bananas are proven to be enriched in potassium and has been proven to eliminate lactic acid build up and speed up muscle recovery in humans. I can't see why it would be much different for canines. Weither it's nessacary to do it through out the week maybe a day or two after a hunt? But it is a natural sugar which would be excess energy to be burned. Bananas are very plentyful here, as a matter of fact I have a few extras hanging from my tree in backyard now for whenever one of you fellas decide to come out to Hawaii for a hunt!