Sherry Pie or Fat Old Lady what ever You knew her by, she was worthy of knowing. Those of You that know Us, know there is a "competitiveness" between Thomas and I, of "whos?" dog find the most hogs, who catches more hogs, bigger hogs, badder hogs ect.
This Old dog meant alot to my husband, and to our pack over the years, the memories she has left us with, the hogs she has produced, the pups she has helped start in the woods are priceless. I will put on my Big girl panties and on ETHD this one time in front of all the these people to honor the Old Sherry dogs memory and admit only this one time and one time only that Sherry would find hogs in further distance than my dogs on several occasions and keep them bayed all by her lonesome. RIP Sherry
I took a picture of Thomas checking her feet on a hunt last year when she was limping