Talkin bout a bunch of SHIIIIIIIIFT WORK.........LOL Dang bear seasons fading fast, and im stuck in here 7 days a week 12 hr days. Thing to get some extra money for hunt.........uh I mean...Christmas and dang dryer quit, two trucks need repairs, wifes jeep went to makin some kind of terrible racket on the way home from, picking up my truck at shop. plus bunch of other stuff on top of that, so pretty much HAVE to be here.
Now having said all that.....I am very thankful to have a decent job, that allows me to work the overtime, in times like this. My family is healthy, have see a few bear and hogs this year. Dogs are coming along decent, well guess if you stop and look at what all you have to be thanful for, things look a lot better. Than you LORD!!!!!!!
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