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Author Topic: need sum advice.  (Read 7374 times)
Catch Dog
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« Reply #20 on: November 16, 2011, 09:50:46 am »

we talk to our land ownerS before we hunt and after... to let them know when we are there. and that we are trying our best to help them with their problem... yea its a hobby  or a job  or just good old fashion fun..  to hunt they way we do. and it might not be rite to go and ask people for permission to hunt their. but how do we know if sumone is already hunting it. u never know that till u ask the land owner.. but if the land owner want the hogs gone. and already has sumone that has permission to be hunting it.  then yes that could be wrong on our part for asking permission...  but we ask alot of people and they say yes or no.. the land owners choice. not ours... and if they say yes. then will will start hunting that peace of land..  now in this case. we cant just move in and kick out. thats why i asked for advice.. and if my age has sumthing to do with hunting. then i must be a man. i asked for permission. and i got it. if the other hunter is not making the land owner happy. then thats on  him... we will not just move in on this property. and start hunting. we will do our best to find the other hunter. and let him know. i was raised to respect adults and others.. but if u look at me or find out how old i am. and start saying that u are to young to know rite from wrong or have no morals. or do u even have a ride to hunt. then you urself must not have any.  again im not trying to start anything here. like  i said i was asking for advice and got sum... if U dont agree with what im asking or doing. then mind ur own buisness..talking about my age. or morals makes u look like u dont want younger people in this sport.. and might be worried u might lose sum land to a younger person or another hunter.. plain and simple if u make the land owner happy.. then u wont have any problems losing a spot u got permission to hunt.. the other hunter must not be doing sumthing rite . in order for the land owner to give me permission to hunt that land now..                              DID YALL EVER THINK ABOUT THAT

Alex...huntin the world!
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