I would have to agree with both arguing parties here... It is a good, old, unspoken rule to not step on another mans' toes, and that is hunting any kind of animal not just hogs. As an ethical hunter you will find out that doing what is "right" might not always show imediate results, but in the end, everything seems to work out for the better. Since the landowner gave you permission,and needs the hogs gone, that is your ticket in and get the job done. BUT! The main problem with that is trespassing or poaching... if the other hunters see you out there, "they" are right, there could be problems. It is better to just avoid that problem by trying to get in touch with the other hunters. Who knows, you may be able to link up with the other hog hunters and double up on the land...? Could be a little easier to spread 'em out and run 'em down! You never know man... My best advice would be that you should always try to be respectful, even if the other party is not. Karam comes back to us all, and esspecially in the hunting world. Either way it goes, you have permission, there is a hog problem, and it needs to be taken care of. I would just expect to have someone ask you what you are doing if you don't get a hold of the other hunters. It is just respect to "all of us hog doggers" to try and not step on each others' toes... and you can see that you have a good amount of opinions on this matter. LOL! Good hunting to ya and be safe out there muddogger98!
Agreed, well spoken. Good hunting to all of you guys!