Overall, I like both Lady Hoggers and American Hoggers. I've only seen one episode of Lady Hoggers. While their storyline seemed fictional at times, I'm sure it's just a required plug. I don't care for their mouth at all. Nothing is less appealing than someone with a strong tongue, even if your joking. I've known a few guys that talk that way when they hunt and I don't end up spending much time with them. I know both those girls have a real strong handle on how to dog hunt. And I'm just guessing we're going to see that in future episodes.
I like the American Hoggers story approach better. Compared to Lady Hoggers, I'm sure that's more to do with the network producers than anything else. I love relating to the Campbell's struggles in the woods. Whether it's from heat, needing better dogs, or fighting over what to do. I really wish I could lend them my dogs to help! Lol.
Over-all, both of these programs are better than HGW and I really enjoy watching both.
Does that Campbell daughter want to get married?