when it is your lively hood u gotta do what u gotta do,MY family farms rice and the dogs just aren't enough .Traps have got hundreds dogs can't compete.
WHEN TRAPS & dogs are used together the hogs can be controlled. 20 years ago there was hundreds & hundreds of hogs on HBR. GOOD DOGS COULD CATCH 5 TO 8 HOGS EVERY NIGHT.Traps & guns & dogs has been a facter for the last 10 years & i've been told that your lucky if you catch a hog there.many farmers held back and would'nt let people hunt until the hogs were unbearable and thats why dogs cant clean up thier hog problems in short peiords of time cause sow are having pigs faster than a man can kill them.I agree A MAN GATTA DO WHAT A MAN GATTA DO.