« on: November 25, 2011, 05:50:25 pm » |
I cull hard, at 5-7 months I show them a few hogs, and dont expect much, but they must be intrested from the start. after 3-4 trips to a bay pen if they arent doing several things I really like, I part with them. I dont hunt them much until close to a year old, depending on there maturity, each dog is different. After a few trips to the woods, if they arent hunting and going to the pay I really sit back and look at what, they are doing and why. Is it me, the hunting enviorment, are the skidish, inmature, lack of hogs they have been on, ect. I really like a independant focused dog, not waiting another dog to find the pig. Not to say my way is the way , or the best way, its just me. Im sure some of the ones I cull could have made nice dogs if I was willing to wait longer. The way I see it a dog can have 15-20 pups in a year, so there are too many dogs, in the world to not do what I want them too.