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Author Topic: culling ?  (Read 1030 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: November 25, 2011, 08:28:29 pm »

  I cull hard, at 5-7 months I show them a few hogs, and dont expect much, but they must be intrested from the start.  after 3-4 trips to a bay pen if they arent doing several things I really like, I part with them.   I dont hunt them much until close to a year old, depending on there maturity, each dog is different.   After a few trips to the woods, if they arent hunting and going to the pay I really sit back and look at what, they are doing and why.  Is it me, the hunting enviorment, are the skidish, inmature, lack of hogs they have been on, ect.   I really like a independant focused dog, not waiting another dog to find the pig.     Not to say my way is the way , or the best way, its just me.  Im sure some of the ones I cull could have made nice dogs if I was willing to wait longer.  The way I see it a dog can have 15-20 pups in a year, so there are too many dogs, in the world to not do what I want them too.   

Dont beg em

 to bay. They do or they don't just about simple as that. Anything else and your spending to much on feed. Look for the naturals, its worth the wait without spending the cash to keep a cull. Good luck with em.  Cool

If it takes 2 years to get one to hunt then you can expect the same from the offspring... The goal should be to breed and keep the naturals...

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
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