thanks guys im just a country boy with big dreams . like every body else. every day i set down with my computer guy and i give him my ideas. they may not be great but some day they
I liked that you have the facebook and twitter links on there, helps if you get everybody from your forum talking about the hunts they went on with your service etc, promote promote etc, you got to blow your own horn some to get the herd coming in, be ready for hacking from peta types as well got a lot of that with mine, they will register and screw up the whole site in 5 minutes of hunt hate stuff, dont forget to mention to landowners that you can bring trucks horses mules etc for group hunts and have the correct high priced outfitting insurance, its so high now days you almost have to be a full time guide to pay for it, forget about free hunts or discounts as well unless you are taking out 5 hunters at a time, gasoline is so high plus trucks to ride them around while you strike a hog for them all to go to the bay up to, we were using 6 person 4 door powerwagons to follow the dog box truck, lots of times could have gotten $100 a head just for extra looky lews to accompany the paid hunter, good luck and aim high for your dream! Looks like a great start, so many say they are going to and never do. Dont forget to post contact numbers for the local motels and a map to them as well and try to get a booking discount if they are your hunters, let them book there own rooms but its ok it you reserve them for them, it goes on and on for sure when its for pay. Always helps to have a big pen full of hogs that guests can look at before the hunt, you need to also mention if you have walkincooler, the taxadermist you use and some other stuff like skinning fees and if shipping out of state after processing is availble near by etc etc good luck and keep at it!!!!