Just my .02. It sounds like your breeding this female just to breed her. I understand wanting something off of your dog but why not try to find the best possible match for your male instead of breeding something just because you have it. There are way too many "pet bulls" and supposed to 100lb "pit bulls" in the shelters as I type this. If you beer her do the responsible thing and keep what you need and give your buddies what they need then cull the rest.
Also like i sai i was THINKING of breeding, and its not because i just have it, my old dude dog who IS 100lbs has caught pigs for over a year now, now i accuried this female thats goood nature and has caught a few times, i thought i might breed her b4 somthin happens to dude (ilness,cut,etc.) since im obviously not gonna get the dog back cause they like him to much