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Author Topic: Best cut vests  (Read 8842 times)
Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
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« on: February 12, 2009, 03:43:29 pm »

Claims that wearing one vest over another vest will prevent overheating are BS. Anydog can overheat under the right circumstances with or without a vest.

You are talking about Hunting Hogs, meaning it is unpredictable any time you turn your dog loose.

There are about ten companies manufacturing vests. many more selling the same patterns with other names on them. The pattern and individual fit per individual dog are going to determine the range of mobility the dog has. Out of the vests available there are only 3 patterns I would even consider putting on any of my dogs.

Then you must understand the materials the vests are made from. Most people don't know the diiference between Kevlar, TurtleSkin, Ballistic Nylon or Cordura, and many different grades of those materials.

The sad part is most the people selling the vests don't understand how they work for hog dogs either, they are just trying to make a buck.

You may have a lesser vest that never gets cut through, then the next have one of the high quality vests get a poke through, in your mind the one that did not get cut is better, and that is not the way it works, just because the same dog did not catch the same hog, or stay caught the same amount of time all factor in the way the vest performed.
You cannot compare Apples to Oranges .

I have two types of vests that go on my dogs PERIOD. They are two different patterns  (but similiar) very similiar materials Cordura Nylon (also known as Ballistic depending on who is blowing the BS your way) and Kevlar core.

Do my dogs overheat? NOPE, that is not because of the vest ,it is because of the way I handle my dogs, knowledge and experience help prevent this

Is IT ALWAYS Avoidable? NOPE, that is a risk you take turning your dog loose, sometimes things just happen like the hog breaking, say your prayers before you hunt.

Do the Vests Protect My dogs? Absolutely

Have my dogs ever been cut wearing a vest? Yes, they have, but the vest saved their lives 100 times over what the minimal damage the dog recieved in comparison to haveing to replace a dog, or the VETt bills and down time for a dog to recover. My dogs have never recieved a life threatening injury wearing the vests.

How do I substaniate the claims I make? The proof is always in the Puddin. I have been using the very same vest for years, we recently have only added one new vest to our gear, same manufacture and materials as our older vests, but still use the same vests as we used to sell.
Here is the best proof I have to offer Captain Morgan 10 years old, Lucy Lou 7 Years old, Cotton 4 years old, Xerox 3.5 years old, Smoochy 3 years Old, these dogs were raised from pups here and are still here. all these dogs wear/wore the same vests and and are still protecting my catchdogs., and will for several more years. These vests are used several times a week year round.

Do the math yourself, but in my book it comes out about $50 a year or less to buy the best & keep my dogs safe, when I can get a few years out of the same vest . I don't know about yall but that is awful reasonable in my mind.

How Do Would I Go About Keeping my dogs from Injuries? Stay out of the woods!

I have seen people trying to find gear to cover all areas of the dog, this just gets ridiculous.
The more areas you cover on your dog, the more risk you put your dog in for not being able to move and take care of himself. I have seen dogs get put down on the ground by a hog and the not not be able to get his feet under him because the owner put too much on the dog where he was unable to move. Small/tight leg holes and vests that are too long on the body, hinder the dogs mobility.

Alot of people put the vest on their dogs and tighten them all the way up. That is like putting a straight jacket on your dog and telling him to go to work. One  thing air can't circulate building heat, and two the can't get out of a bind when it gets down, Nor can it sit or lay with out cutting off circulation in its belly area.

By the way vests don't breathe. Anybody claiming that, well more BS. Most materials are coated for water protection and don't allow air to flow, and then when its layered. NO AIR at all goes through. The only air circulation is going to be through the air being able to flow between your dog and the vest.

The vests you see on dogs in Pen Work don't have to be the real deal. They only have to work for a few minutes at a time, so therefore most  hold up and do the job well. When you are looking at a vest that will be on a dog for hours at a time, The Fit of the vest will be  seriously more important in an uncontrolled enviroment, like in the woods.

If you want Garuntees - Buy Insurance

If want a vest to last and protect your dog, don't buy something with plastic buckles or cheap materials.
Just like trying to buy a good dog, look for something proven and tested. Anybody that can sew can make a vest, but experience puts quality materials with quality craftmanship, then puts it to the test of time, and produces a quality product.

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