I have both and neither one was really the perfect solution for me. My solution (and my work in-progress) was what I call my "buggy" that I built about a year ago and still make tweaks from time to time. I started with an old flat bottom boat trailer and designed as I went. It's got two compartments to haul dogs (actually the rear has folding doors that can be closed to make three compartments), seats two people and storage for collars, tracking system and such in a box that also serves as a backrest. Dogs can also be loaded on top (several of my dogs have learned the command "get-on" to which they will jump on the seat then up to the top when I say and point) When hogs are caught, I can easily unhook from the buggy drive the four wheeler closer to winch out the hog, then load the hog in the back.
It also allows me to take several dogs but only let a couple hunt at a time. I think it also fires the young dogs up getting to watch the older ones go when they are held back sometimes.