How is mixing cheap feed with good feed smarter? Old grease has no nurturing effect at all. I feed nine dogs raw meat and bone. 120-130 a month. I get chicken for .59 a pound and beef for .25 a pound. I did leg work to find cheap prices,that is getting the most bang for your buck and not cutting corners.
You are mistaken, grease(the kind to use for dogs) is made from animal fat, adding animal fat aka grease to dry dog increases the fat content, palablilty, and gives a flavor to the dry dog food that helps a dog digest the food. You can turn cheap dog food into hi fat hi protein by using it, the post is about how to stretch dog food, the rendering trucks sell the grease to dog food companies as well as others, at one time one could buy a product called meat scraps from the feedstore, it was made from cooking bones and opal left over from butchering cows and run thru a hammermill, due to mad cow outbreak the rules changed due to the brains and spinal cords might enter another animals food chain, it was $15 a hundred for meat scraps, I am not sure if it is avaialble any more, that is used in name dog food as well as the cooking oil. The cooking oil is not all animal based anymore so be sure u get the right kind, not sure what kind of vegestable oil is out there and its fat and protein percentage.