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Author Topic: military  (Read 841 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: December 14, 2011, 07:26:19 am »

 i did 13 yrs and like ylwblkmask said, it what you make of it. choose a job in the military that will have a direct impact with a civilian job. unlike me, i did artillery for 6yrs. there aint much demand for a gunbunny in civilian section, so i did helicopter mech for the last 7. i used the training from the military and was doin the same job as a civie. DO NOTlet the recruiter choose your job. YOU choose your job, any promises they make to you, make the recruiter put it writing. the recruiter may try to buddy up with you. thats his job, he builds a repor with you. dont fall for it. you are a number to him/her, after you join unless you make contact with him/her, you will never hear back from him/her. dont let them dollar signs get the best of you either. choose your job and choose how long you want serve. do the minimum time to make your conclusionablout the military, you can alway reenlist later. the dollar signs im refering to is the promise of X amount of $ for a longer contract, usualy no more than 6yrs, but no matter your length of time, your first initial contract is 8yrs no matter what. if sign for 3yrs and get out, you still have 5yrs of IRR inactive ready reserve, which means unless go off the grid, if the military needs your services again, they can yank from civilian life and pull you back in and there aint nothing you can do about.

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
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