HAHAHA... makes a person step back and look at the BIG PICTURE(well, it does me anyways
)... a big picture that far too many sheep have entrusted to a select few wolves for too long...
As with all blights upon the face of known societies... the ones we are experiencing now are not so unlike those of the past...
We all have been guilty of bitching and moaning about this and that... "my religion is better than yours", "I think our tax dollars should pay for this and not that"... etc, etc, etc...
........ which brings me to my point of the evening...
... Throughout history, it has been the men of vision that brought "order" to the chaos that is humanity... Left to our own, we are a bunch of mean ass, intelligent monkeys for the most part.... Genocide, rape and plunder, or simply disreguard for conservation of finite natural resources... We naturally, are quite caustic as a species...
... If not for the great "conquerors" of history, who knows what evil may have escalated in their abscence...
... May I use early Rome as an example(as our own country did in it's infancy)...
... Early Rome conquered surrounding countries... as a side effect of their ambition, the "stability" brought about by their violence allowed for "a civilized society to develop and bitch about everything they didn't like about it"....
Without men willing to make the hard decisions in life, TRULY hard decisions, we would not even have the CHANCE to bitch about the social grievances that consume so many of us... Nations, carved out like a hunk of meat from the living body that is earth... by men with the vision to make our future possible...
... Hard decisions are a fact of life. The older I get, the more I understand. One must look at the greater good when it comes to the future of humanity... and not be afraid to use the sword to mantain it's stability...