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Author Topic: Your ideal catch dog... specifics please...  (Read 10717 times)
Hog Doom
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« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2011, 11:46:49 am »

Just for reading purposes I will give you a example of one of these Little pin head dogs.

I had a little bulldog named Cannon Ball he was little maybe 40 lbs soaking wet out of proportion little short thick teeth didnt look like much a real calm nice dog would not hurt a flea but learned to hate a hog.  I went and got this dog from a friend I had given him to and I had bred this liter.  Well Tom had a friend that had caught a big boar hog in one of them trailer kinda traps and they could not get the hog out of the trap he was big bad and mean and just a dangerous kinda hog with teeth .  He called me and ask if I thought I could get him out the trailer I said well I can't but I got something that will.  I drove up with little Cannon Ball  Tom had never seen him as I had just got him back. There were a  few older men  standing around and saying what are you gonna do with that ahahahahahahahahah  little thing. I said am gonna get that hog outta there.   The one guy said aint no way man I said well I bet you 50 bucks I will have that hog out of that trailer in less than five mins and in your pen after I turn this bulldog loose he said you are on aint no way  I got to see.  This trailer had a walk in gate at front of it and a little gate at the back of it ,  Told Tom when I holler you open that little gate , told this one guy to stand in front of that gate and hold Cannon Ball and soon as I  holler and tom opens that gate  you let him go he said ok . Waited for the hog to get turned just right and I hollered Tom pull the gate and if you was not looking u missed it  hahaahahahahah the dog hit that hog so fast you could not hardly see it .  He locked on I got inbehind the hog legged him and walked him out of the trailer over to the pen and Tom was trying to break Cannon Ball off ahahahahah he could not get him off and by now i was wore out holding the big hog so Tom took out his pocket knife and ole Cannon Ball got his trophy ahhahahahahahah and I got me 50 bucks .  Tom said damn man damn I open the gate and it happen so fast I didnt even see the dog hit the ear ahahahahahahhahahahahahahaah the dog was faster than my eyes . ahhaahhahahaahha.  The looks on them peoples face was worth a million dollars man .

The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
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