garmin should be paying you all for the research ...
I called GARMIN when they first came out with the 220 and the DC20, remember the one with the collar sticking straight up in the air. Or at least it was in their pictures, but as we all know, gravity has a way of pulling things down.
Anyway, I told them the hog doggers would be their biggest customers and not the bird dog hunters and that we could give them a lot of positive suggestions on how to do it correctly. As in the DC20's antenna setup. I told them that would never work, as soon as the dog starts walking, the antenna will swing downwards and be pointing at the ground. I was told that the "engineers" had done extensive testing on them.
Needless to say, he didn't want to hear what I had to say and I got the impression that they "thought" they knew everything there was to know about tracking collars. I even remember telling him to look at a Wildlife Materials collar to see what one should look like. He wasn't interested in my suggestions, but we all know how long those DC20's were in production before the DC30's came out and low and behold if they didn't resemble a normal tracking collar?
I guess their "engineers" hadn't done as much testing as they had claimed.