« on: December 31, 2011, 08:29:50 pm » |
on hams , middlins jowls and sometimes shoulders i use 7 parts salt and 3 parts sugar . let the meat cool out over night . on hams and shoulders i put 3/4 ounce on , packin on and stuffing it in along the bones . 2 weeks later i repeat . on midlins and jowls ijust frost good and leave 14 days , hams are left how ever many weeks it is thick .it needs to stay 35-40 degrees.
when meat comes out of the salt i rinse good then scrub with warm water and soft brush .then i hang in the smoke house a few days to let the salt equalize . then smoke with hardwood and sawdust 2-4 days on middlins 7-10 days on hams . middlins are ready to eat then . hams i smear blackpepper on to repel insects , wrap in newspaper , put in ham sack and hang at least through next august .