JMO..... Well times has changed drastically!!!!!!!!!! People have changed !!!! Noting and I mean noting is any were near the same as the 60's are 70's when I was growing up grade school and High School. The best generation of men and women I think were the generation before me from the 1900's to 1950's. These people went threw hell and knew what hard times were hard working core values great work ethics a day were a hand shake meant something. These days are the age of Technology you want some thing you just click a button. The day of the INTERNET everything is commercialized. To many people man this world is over populated its like mice breeding mice. I can even see the change in my kids even tho they were brought up the hard way as I was the times have changed and I can see the new age in them its noting I did are my wife its just how the generations change from generation to generation . Land is short and getting shorter a dollar is worth noting jobs are hell to find. Everything is way over priced and noting means noting these days. The Government is a wreck and the USA is not the Super Power it once was. The people that have jobs have to work 60 hours a week just to make it so no time is involved in all of this . The main thing is it has become a commercial kinda sport and not a way of life as it was in times before me . Man I don't know .
Does anybody know why they call this Generation of people Generation X