« on: January 10, 2012, 07:38:59 pm » |
Can we hunt hogs at night with firearms? No. It is illegal to hunt hogs at night, except landowners can get a depredation permit from the State Game Warden in their county that will allow them to shoot hogs at night. Headlighting / Spotlighting No person may attempt to take, take, attempt to catch, catch, attempt to capture, capture, attempt to kill, or kill any deer, feral animal or other wildlife, except fish and frogs or except as provided by law, by the use of a vehicle mounted spotlight or other powerful light at night, by what is commonly known as “headlighting” (or “spotlighting”) or use any light enhancement device (night scope). Provided, however, nothing in this code shall prevent one from possessing a .22 caliber rimfire rifle or .22 caliber rimfire pistol and a light carried on his person while in pursuit of furbearers with hounds during the legal open furbearer season, while possessing a valid hunting license and fur license, unless exempt. Both From ODOW