I don’t know about y’all, but I think this country was founded on the belief of FREEDOM. Of course there are other reasons, but the main one was for freedom. Freedom to do what makes you happy, and what you believe in. I agree that this country has a lot of areas that need improvement, but that doesn’t mean that it is turning into #2… It just needs the right people to stand up for the right things. There are MANY things that need improvement, without being specific, and there are MANY things that need to be changed back to the way they were. I’ll say one, and that’s CHRISTmas not X-MAS! REALLY??? The contradicting hypocrites that are doing the changing, IMO, are the problem now days. Is it really that hard for people to understand if they want something changed, that they need to do something about it? What do you think one of the worst wars (civil war) in country’s history was about? The people decided to do something about what they did not like. Our nation of people just going with the flow is the problem IMO. When we continue to sit back and let the Big Wigs make all of the decisions is when this country is going to go to #2. This is a democracy, and I think that if you believe that is the case then the only option is to educate yourself on what is really going on, get organized, and do something about what you believe in. AND I’m not talking about the “occupy protests”… I’m talking about real organization here. JMO that is a great post bailey508, and a lot of that is more than true, it is REAL. I just believe there is another side to this country as well, and that people just need to start realizing that if they sit around waiting for change it will never come. The only way to run this democracy is the way it was supposed to be run, and that’s by the people for the people. IN GOD WE TRUST!
Long live the United States of America!!!