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Author Topic: A little something to think about  (Read 6084 times)
Strike Dog
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« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2012, 07:17:30 pm »

While we are being "more open and more realistic," I am not 100% sure what you mean by the "normalcy" of how Americans live their lives everyday, maybe you don't believe in the good ol days, but I'm sure there are plenty of people out there with more than 20 years under their belt that can reminisce on memories that fit the definition of "the good ol days."  If you take the time to open your eyes and ears I promise you will learn something besides what the textbook says, and you might just even be amazed at the way people used to live. Heck, you might even be envious of them and some of their hunting stories.  I know I am.  On that same note, I LOVE this country, what it stands for and what it allows someone who is willing to shed blood, sweat and tears become. Great people and great opportunities have emerged because of that freedom. Coming from a family full of veterans, and supporting a little brother who is currently a United States Marine, they have the passion for this country, to defend it,WITHOUT even having been in a different country long enough for a layover. Oh, and they don't compare the U.S. to any other, because she is uncomparable.  Congratulations if you are 20 years old and have a phd, I'm not quite sure if I've ever heard of that, but I'll keep an open mind. ("If you never been educated," it would probably stand out in the intelligent things you have to say anyways.) -Just kinda rubs me wrong that you assume anyone who thinks different than you doesnt have an education as great as yours. Although you might be well versed, I wouldnt totally pride yourself on the fact that others on this site would be proud to have a son "as well versed" as you- i could be wrong though. I see where you are coming from on several aspects of what you are saying, but don't limit yourself to what you are "comfortable with."  America was built on beliefs, and can grow and flourish under the beliefs of others today.   

Look like a girl, act like a lady, think like a man and work like a dog
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