Man what a great weekend! I hunted 3 days in a row and I have a pup that is 6mo "roscoe" he was really impressing me. I was pretty nerves taking him on a real hunt so I kept him on a leash. Well that worked only half a day... Roscoe caught with the other dogs then he got off his collar and ran step for step with my lead dog and came back after a 500yd run. So I figured screw it let him run with them on day 2 then I lost him. Come to find out he caught a hog with another pack of dogs.... They were great and.gave him back. Then today he went and found bayed then caught his own hog and I was just thinking he was barking lost then I heard a grunt then squeal and I sent my lead dog and but by then roscoe had him himmed up! On top of that he caught the only pig of the day! God this pup is really impressive! Hope I can keep him alive ling enough to see how he turns out he is already getting out 250yds on his own.... Thanks for reading!
it sounds like he is a natural...try to keep everything positive when training...and the little things can take the pup to a higher level...