THis is a difficult question. I think that no matter the bloodline and no matter the training availible, you have to start with a dog that has hunt and prey drive. We take dogs that have these qualities plus other qualities that we like and breed them in hopes of creating pups that have the same genetics as their parents. It doesn't always turn out that way but we still try. If you take a dog that has hunt and prey drive, you can make them a pleasure to handle with some training. Yes, some mutts will inherit hunt and drive and make good hog dogs. They may not be as leggy and have as much bottom as the ones that are bred for those qualities but will hunt all the same. This is alll just my opinion.
What is your best advice for getting a handle on a young dog ( 10 mo to a yr ) with high prey drive? As in under normal circumstances hes a superstar listener, but if anything non human or non dog is infront of his eyes or nose he is dam near impossible to command.
He is still young. Young dogs can be aggrivating. It takes lots of work on the leash and some miles under him. He should settle down. Im not one to worry much about if they listen to me at this age, as long as they get out and hunt. Im there to catch hogs and you cant do that if the dog wont go hunt. Some guys like to start with a good handle and they are the ones who can answer this question for you. Our dogs handles came with repetitive hunting. They just seem to figure it out along the way.