Hey trapperchick! I have to second alot of what these guys are saying about the .223. I have had mine for about 10 years now... and I have a .270, along with other deer huntin rifles, but that .223 just does it for me. Everything I shoot gets shot in the ear or the neck. I will say it has made me be a better shot because of this over time, and it has also made me be a much MUCH more patient hunter because of this. It may not be the best idea for a long-range deer shot, but I have no problems firing a long shot off at a coyote, pig, bobcat, etc... One really cool thing I HAVE noticed over the years, this gun is relatively quiet compared to others, so nine times out of 10, I've shot a pig out of a group, the group doesn't go too far, or you can bet it won't be too long till the same group or something else comes back out (don't know if this is the same case for others). I absolutely love mine, and would choose it any day over a higher powered rifle. As a matter of fact- I had to tie pink ribbons on mine so all the guys at the deer lease would quit takin it out and using it!!
lol. It's just an all around great gun and cheap bullets.