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Author Topic: Old timers...  (Read 3418 times)
Hog Doom
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« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2012, 11:10:24 am »

Brian, I appreciate your input and respect you more than you know. I know you know, without a doubt, your chit, to just be blunt! You have the eye of the tiger out there in the woods, and that only comes from experience. Do you know where I could get a crash course on vet tactics? I would love to do this, and I bet most of the crew would as well. Now that I have been putting together a new pack of my own, we will have the choice of what dogs to take and when; and that will help out a lot I think. I have started carrying a camel back, and that has worked wonders for us and the dogs on recent hunts. I also pack sutures, staple gun, iodine, and antibiotics... Not to mention a few protein snack bars, so that is another change i've personally made. Need to start bringing a change of clothes though, thts a good one. The whole who is doing what thing... That is one that we as a crew have been working on. Everyone pretty much knows what to do out there, but you never know who will get to the leg first and it does get crazy sometimes, especially with the boars we seem to get on... So we have been making a point to remind everyone before the hunt starts that who ever gets there grab a leg, if you need help turning it over ask for it, otherwise get all the dogs leashed up before they roll out. This can deff use some improvement, but I think with more time in the woods together, we will just know by instinct who needs to do what and when. Another thing is most of the time, if it isn't a big hog, they are gona catch it... So we really don't have time to watch the dogs work, as they are caught. Which is a good thing and a bad thing all at the same time. If you do not get there with CD quick and they are trying to catch a nasty one, it could end up bad; so we like to try and stay on their butts as much as we can. Every chance we get though we do sit back and let them work and watch how they behave. Getting into this life style has been a wonderful learning experience and I think it will continue to be until I can not walk in the woods any longer because I'm an old man. It seems every time you go out with your pack there is something new to learn... Grin BUT please don't take my response as me knowing it all because I cherish the advice and want to continue to learn as much as i can from people like yourself. Those are just some changes we've made since our last hunt together... Not o mention theres been a few caught aince then as well... Grin All of your points have been duly noted, and I really appreciate you chiming in buddy! It means a lot.

Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
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