Lmao!!! I wiped it off... We're good now!!!
lol! Naw, I guess it's just easy for me to empathize with some folks on here. Have you not been questioned before about a hog size Cutter? Or when you think you know something to be right, but everyone is telling you that's not the case? U know that gets under people's skin, or at least i do... I agreed that it does not look 300, but like I said, who cares. If he wants to think and say its 300 then let em.... All I care about is getting my dogs on hogs, and IMO, every catch is a good catch no mater what size u say it is... Hog is a hog! Lol! I think everyone's eyes are a little bigger when judging their own hogs, but thats JMO... Sorry u think I'm brown nosing, but I ain't. Might be trying to make the guy feel a little better after getting trashed a little bit, but that's my prerogative huh? Lol!
it's all fun n games anyhow... Good hunting to ya all.