YeahDoc Jones yous is stupid! That hogs goes no where over 175!!;)
Kdbfh, I dont believe you had any right to post this and call someone out as stupid for stating what they weighed there hog for and know to be true,I don`t care if the hog is 300 or not It`s none of your`s or my buisness,Besides I recall a post of yours entitled (Ole Boar we killed last year) In which you say (weighed about 300 and cut three of my dogs)

. Well the sow here is every bit as big as that boar and yet when it`s on someone else your happy to jump in and mockingly say you`s stupid.Whatever just my opinion. By the way Doc good hog.
That's also me in the pictures and those are my dogs lol Doc Jones is my best friend I'm just pokin fun about some of the stuff Cutter's been sayin