Yuppers and I have seen a many of short - medium range dog make a long range dog look like a JackAss! I have seen them long rangers blow out the box and people b saying wooo weee look at that sucker go man alive whata dog. Next thing you know he is a mile out and my old short to med range dog just got finshed taken a dump and five mins later he is on a hog are a group of hogs now 250 yds out !!!!!!!!!
I have seen a ton of them marthon dogs pass up a ton of hogs on his way to his famous mile !
Lmao !
x2...I have seen it too...the trailblazer rolls out like a scalded dog and starts to hunt a mile away. and then another dog starts a track 250 yards past where the dogs got dumped and ole trailblazer ran right over the track and never slowed down.
yea halfbreed...i just don't want to be hunting dogs when we can be hunting hogs.