Why don't u guys want to run a cut collar on your bay dogs?
Is it a pride thing or what? I mean they're only like $25,and only take a minute to put on.
Accidents happen and maybe your dog gets in a situation where they can't get back and a hog gets to em. Can u replace that dog for $25your and a minute of your time?
And on the tracking collars,I understand people have been doing this for years without tracking systems but the people population is larger now. Meaning more thieves, more roads for your dog to get run over on and smaller tracts of land. Also everybody seems to want longer range dogs and dogs with more bottom.
Im not trying to offend anyone, just adding my thoughts.
Tracking collar wont protect a dog from a thief or getting run over. I ain't got $500 to spend on one so I dont have one, However I will accept donations.
Tracking systems can help prevent guess things though, if you take the time to use them correctly. But everybody hunts differently, if your dog doesn't get out of sight or your property isn't big enough for your dog to get off of then maybe you don't need one. But if you hunt a go yonder kind of dog or you hunt near busy hwys or maybe even a crazy neighbor, wouldn't you like to know where your dog is so you could get to them faster. Myself I don't turn my dogs loose without one its cheaper in the long run.