Yeah, catch all the small and slow one first I guess?
I am curious to see if anybody has a good way of doing this, mine find a few good boars now and then, but we catch an awful lot of sows and pigs in between
back in the 1980's a friend used to catch mostly boars and my brother and I were catching mainly sows and smaller boars. It might be coincidental but my friend had a training pen and he trained all his dogs on a 200 pound plus boar. My brother and I built a baypen and put a larger boar in it and trained the dogs on this boar. We all of a sudden had a long run of catching large boars.
I also remember talking to a man out of San Antonio who guided hog hunts and he offered 2 packages. One was meat hunts and the other was trophy boar hunts and he ran 2 packs of dogs. One set trained on a big boar the other on sows and smaller pigs.