he is a member me this board from tyler texas. i offered a trade of my boat, which was the last thing of value i had to trade for a decent dog, for a supposed almost finished bmc. i shouldn't have but i trusted the guy and i got it good and ran it in the woods and it never left my feet. well we caught a pig and he would bark from a distance but wouldn't come close. now i know i'm not supposed to cash someone on here but he was just tryin to sell a plott for 1200 i texted him and he deleted it shortly after. by the was the number was disconnected. idk why people have to take advantage of people that trust them. now i have no way to get a dog to run with my old dog. im tryin to keep huntin but now don't gotta dog to keep goin with if i loose mine. this guy is a sorry sob and has no morals. i'm just blowing off steam but i really hope no one falls for this guys tricks. cuz i spent a lot of money on that boat and now i got nothing to show for it except a mad wife. thanks for reading happy huntin and beware of the 903 area code. they aren't all bad but he has went through 4 different ones since friday so i trust none of them
In another post you claimed that you also were hunting, a gyp in heat also! That could be the problem!! I hope you didn't get burned. Yes you should of at least hunted with the dog prior to the trade. If you didnt hunt with the dog you dont even no how he hunted the dog. Lots of dogs take time to warm up to a new person. Be carefull who you bash, it could come back and bite.