i know alot of the guy in my wounded warrior just sit around and that makes stuff alot worse because are wounded warrior have a very high suicide rate because they just sit around thinking of there injury.
Cody Offroad,
I know three of the guys we had with us may have had a little more time to get used to a new way of doing things, but you really couldn't tell in hunting with them that they had an injury (one was apparently not quite comfortable hiking through the woods on his legs yet so opted for the chair). I went with Daniel through the woods to the bay, and I actually had to keep up with HIM! Not that I would wish a catastrophic injury on anyone, but it seemed to me from meeting and hunting with these guys that they were "I can do anything" guys before their injuries. Although they've had to adapt, they are still of that "I can do anything" drive and it shows in their abilities.
I hope that we can build a relationship with the Wounded Warrior Project and get guys in the woods on hogs all over the state(s).