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Question: Just wondering
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Author Topic: Has anyone tried Karelian Bear Dogs on hogs in the U.S.  (Read 2229 times)
Boondock Saints Kennels
Bay Dog
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« on: March 04, 2012, 09:32:30 am »

I am was just curious about it, from what I have read about them they are silent on trail and bring the game back toward you, instead of away from you, and my question was about hog hunting, not bear hunting, its pretty well known that Plotts are the one to have for bear hunting. As far as your coment on free dog is concerned, to each his own! some are breeders at heart, and take pride in the dogs that they produce, and others could care less, its just the hunt that matters to them, its obvious your the latter, more power to Ya! but dont knock others because they dont feel the same as you. I am one of those guys thats always trying to figure out a way to build a better mouse trap, you might think that Im a fool,
so be it, but without guys like me, there would be no pure bred dogs today.

If you dont cull, you are a cull yourself!!!
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