When I first saw someone on here from California I thought, oh my what has happened here? Then I remembered I got family there and they have horses and drive 4X4's. People are quick to judge based on where someone is from. I saw some US troops laughing at the Aussies and saying stupid things about them. So I kept my mouth shut and did not tell them green horns they should learn something from them. By the next day it was us and the Aussies moving out because the laughing boys could not handle the desert. Now I will give an Okie a ribbing but I expect it back. You boys from LA can do the cooking any time and you can always find a backwoods boy that can teach you something. That don't mean I won't talk a bit of smack but as long as we can sit down and relax it is all good.
Of course them FL boys and their midget hogs that even a Blue Tick can catch...