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Author Topic: Are Goodman Fox hounds and Cathoula Leopard from the same dog way back???  (Read 8118 times)
Alpha Dog
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« on: March 10, 2012, 09:09:56 pm »

Some of the July hounds come spotted and glass eyed and have basicly the same foundation blood. The original July hound was a dog named July and was a son of Mountain and Muse, the pair of Irish hounds imported by Mr. Ogle.

Never saw a old line July with a glass eye, they were one or 2 solid colors back then in the 60's and 70's when a July pack was the prized thing to have to catch yotes and bobcats on these huge ranches down here that had thousands of angora goats getting eaten alive by bobcats, eagles, lionss and town down dogs and yotes, most of th julys have been crossed with everyhting to the point where in my view it is not even the same dog, just like has happened to some terrier breeds who dont tree and are way to huge for varmits. 

Goodmand association used to be barely alive, last one i went t there were about 100 blues etc etc at it, think it was held in Illinois, i have gogoled lately and can find the club any more.  Just like some of the julys and goodmans at one time there was a rare  treeing strain in the strain itself vs the normal wolf dogs.  There is a strain of running walkers that have been bred for running in the hot dry brush of south texas still going on down here but i think since mexico got sold to the cartels there will none of them left soon like 4 years, ranches have been cut up, people dont want to hunt running game and meixoc is to dangerous and nobody buys cat hides anymore, you got to remember some of the running hound breeders used the dogs to make a living with and you nevee saw these fancy answy websites with some dog that got blown up about, peeps used to read the hunters horn and others to see what dog won in the feild trials all over the usa.  Sadly many wormy people on the site continue to bash hounds treeing and running without ever knowing the foxhound rule box rules still available from hunter horn as to speed and drive, sriking, returning to cast etc etc.  If you like to read about foxhounds and see some interesting pictures of dogs that have got to have been added look up Hudspeths, and Birdsongs and some more now extinct breeds who were bred to sound a certain way so that if a 100,000 valley had 15 different packs of foxhounds running at nights the owners of the different plantations could pick out there packs bird soung squeal over say a hudspeths bell mouth bak on trak, I sure miss the Goodmans and and the birdsongs for sure, different and not for sale from pupply factorys raised by wetbacks like near me nowdayslol

Rat Terriers aka fiests  black white tans, solid black and tans,  solid red,  ratting, squirrel  varmit stock from ranch raised varmit dogs, 10 to 30 pounds (for sale)
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