Thanks YBM... I don't know, I guess I have been trying to analize my dogs a lot more lately, and more on an individual basis.
No prob. Analyzing them is a good thing but dont get stuck attempting to compare them to each other. Cause you will come up with one good dog and the rest will be culls compared to him. Analyze each dog and what he is contributing to the overall goal...which is catching hogs. If he comes up short on that.... its time to be fed elsewhere or feed em to the fishes.
That’s one thing that is hard having a yard full of "hunting" dogs... You would like to compare, but when you do there is no comparison. I have been through a few dogs, not a ton, but because of such I've been able to distance myself from the dogs I get to be able to examine them to the point of deciding to "feed or not to feed..." LOL!