« on: March 21, 2012, 09:49:31 pm » |
stoker company is in dresden tn , about 30 minutes from me . when i was a kid everybody raised a little" tabacker " for cash , when i was a little feller in the 80's my dad owned a feed store, it was losing money because all the farmers were going broke . we lived off 2 acres of tobbaco and pigs we sold from 5 sows .
since the givernment buy out , only a few have all the tobacco.
we used to take leaves out of the barn , pull the big stems out and make it into a twist . a twist is better if its aged a year or so . its pretty stout but you can't get that flavor from the store .
a summer in the tobacker patch will seperate the men from the boys ... and make men out of boys , its the only crop that takes 13 months out of a year to produce . i think everybody would be better off if they had spent some time working in the feild to make some weekend spending money growing up .
noah , try old joe twist and bull o the woods plug . thats as close as you'l get to natural .