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Author Topic: Return to cast, what does it mean, training for it, builda call back dog box  (Read 952 times)
Alpha Dog
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« on: March 21, 2012, 11:17:36 pm »

Man sounds interesting... but I'm lost...  you talkin' about a conditioned catch trap for hound dogs or what???


Like a hog trap with a horn on top of it connected to a 12 volt car battery, it hooks up to a timer that blows the horns 3  45 second blasts 4 times every hour, one could set it up to a deer feeder timer as well, the morning after the dog is not back u pull it out and set it up and drive home, usually the dog shows up middle of the day and is back the next night, used them for cow dogs, terriers, bird dogs etc for years, they used to be sold in the dog magazines 40 years ago for coon dogs. You try to get one dog in it usually and the rest of the pack if lost will hang there instead of running out roads trying to return to cast.  We used to have terriers we left down at the river tied to a tree and he would bark out any dog that did not return after a grey fox or coon race.  This helps with PR on the farmer or landowners side as well as they know you are trying to get the lost dog back, they know you have permission to be there and it gives them a number to call and something to do if they are riding around on the ranch checking water or cattle.  I have seen whole packs of hounds come back 2 weeks after being lost due to 200 jets coming in for touch and go landings and a week when the viet nam war naval air station was going on down here, so many low flying planes would show up from the gulf to practice it would wreck dogs and men in the woods, you can not hear for hours when they used to do that around beeville golaid and kingsville in the 60's and 70s, we just set out a horn honker an dsomebody would drive out at lunch or supper and check for the dogs that were still coming in from us not finding them that night when the practice jets came in.  We set them out in mexico for hounds that got away where we could not get to them due to no road and hired a hand on a buro to go check it and put feed out around it and come back to river to call us to come get th ehounds hanging around, lots of foxhounds would not load for anybody but the actuall owner or somebody they knew.  Usually th ebest strike dog as well every time, the idiots were easy to get stolen seems like now!!!lol

Rat Terriers aka fiests  black white tans, solid black and tans,  solid red,  ratting, squirrel  varmit stock from ranch raised varmit dogs, 10 to 30 pounds  www.crossbowtexas.com (for sale)    www.imageevent.com/treeingratterrier
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