It's an interesting topic so I'll chime in. I drank to excess in high school and early on in college far too often. I would drink occasionally after I got married and started working for a living but I have not had a drink of alchohol since 2008 due to issues with my blood sugar. The thing I have found funny is how others view me for choosing not to have a drink. You would think I was the strangest person alive for choosing not to drink at all and get treated pretty chitty sometimes for not drinking. By the same token functioning alcoholics are socially accepted and nobody ever gives them a ration of chit for drinking all the time, a confusing double standard.
My opinion on weed, let those who chose to smoke, smoke. Everything in excess is bad for you and people can smoke in moderation just like drinking a glass of wine. I haven't smoked since college and don't have any plans to do so but I have nothing against someone who smokes.
well said. i am looked upon the same bc i choose not to drink. im not invited to outings with my old drinking buddies bc they think im strange for not drinking. im strange for other reasons than that.