I take my boy chasing pigs through the woods but don't let him on here at all. The world is not fair, it is not nice, and it is not safe. I will not tell anybody what moral choices they should make. If you want to know mine I will tell you. You go drink, smoke, or partake in what you want. I will take the time to discuss it with my child and why he should not. Because I can't decide for him. I would say that if your child comes to you to discuss things that bother him then be glad you get the chance to give your opinion. If the internet is the guiding moral force for your child then you have problems. I also am not saying that is what he was doing but it did sound that way. I wish him nothing but the best in life and for his son. Keep being an involved father but don't expect anyone else to care for your child like you do. There must be a balance between protection and naming your boy Sue. (The song "A Boy Named Sue")
T-Bob didn't your momma ever say, I don't care who started it you are the one getting the spanking?

Maybe I was the only one.

Daddy would only ask if I won.