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Author Topic: On politics  (Read 1477 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: March 29, 2012, 12:09:22 pm »

Naw money got nothin to do with it. Just Texas Proud! I've been working all over America recently and I started telling my boss the pay scale begins to trend upwards at the borders of the lone star state. The only trip ive had out of Texas that I really enjoyed was in deeeep south Louisiana, and that's just because they fed us like kings.

Oh and the houstonians should get the humor and irony behind the Astros tat.  Wink

I worked with an illegal once who had Houston's skyline tatted on his neck and the Astros star on his face like Tyson and a full sleeve the said " HOUSTONE" I told him he spelled it wrong we both laughed and he's still a friend to this day.

T-Bob, "HOUSTONE" was the slang or cool way to say Houston. As a kid some of us used that language..."Vamos pa Houstone ese"...mostly tex mex...

I was watching a documentary on television and no one knew where the name of the gang came from which was "TANGO"...Tango used to be the slang word for town (tex mex slang in my youngster days)...but the general hispanic population would say pueblo for town...all that language is about gone and forgotten except for the older folks like me...I know the language but don't use it unless I am kidding around with the youngsters at work...

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