Charles the things you are saying in these post seem to make perfect sense to me personally. Lets start a post just to see how many of our hunting community would back this. That is if you would like too.
uhhh, does a wild bear crap in the woods?
good luck on getting it going though, not just from this forum, but you classified the hunting community. remember the posts tlking about bird doggers and untill recently, chicken fighters standing together and fighting for their rights, deer hunters banning together for their rights, NRA for our gun rights, but yet we cant as hog doggers ban together with these other groups to put a STOP to PETA HSUS and so on to keep them from taking our rights away for our dogs. i am with you, and hope the topic goes good.
I remember reading a poem in a friends house that said, Do not walk behind me, because i may not lead. Dont walk in front of me, because I may not follow, but yet walk beside me as a friend
If we could get this kind of thinking going, then there wouldnt be ME, ME, ME, I,I,I,I ways of thinking.