The problem isn't immigrants, the problem is ILLEGAL Immigrants. If the masses of ILLEGALs were forced to stay in Mexico they would be forced to deal with there countries issues, cause civil war/uproar/revolt which ever you wanna call it. Mexico sucks that's why the leave, make'em stay and fight for THERE country and fix the problems that THEY allowed by there poor choice's. i fell bad for'em but ......RUNNING AWAY FROM YOUR PROBLEMS IS NOT THE ANSWER.
God Bless, Waylon
Waylon...I will venture to say that almost everyone...if not everyone who came to the united states were wanting to improve their living conditions...
the smart ones with the initiative are wanting out...because the handwriting is on the wall...
J. are wiser beyond your years...I take my hat off to you for calling it like it is and taking the color out of it...