I would recommend using a different dog to protect your house. There are many things that go into training a dog for protection that would make them dangerous at a catch.
Dogs that are good at protection work love doing it and in training you teach them a certain body part is just a blast to bite and hold on to. A lot of protection guys like to train for the forearm now imagine next time you break your dog off an ear and they are in that seeing red phase when he just looses the grip on the ear and his other favorite thing in the world to bite (your buddies arm) just happens to be within reach. Or your wife’s or your buddies kid or you. Just think of everyone walking around with a pig ear on their forearm.
Second if you truly plan on training a good protection dog you cannot not possibly do so without back tie work. This is simply working a dog tied to a post or chained to an anchor. Give a dog two or three times on the back tie and he will start doing flips trying to grab anyone but daddy that comes within reach... and they dont even have to be mad. Kind of like them dogs down the road that bark like crazy because people teased them so much… well back tie work is that but on purpose… and unlike the dogs down the street they know what to do the second a body part comes across the line. This will make tying the CD to a tree very dangerous for anyone you chose to hunt with and could even make taking them off the rig a complication when everyone gets excited. Not to mention your buddy jumping up and down waving his arms hollering to send the CD… this can look a lot like what decoys will do to agitate a green protection dog.
To break it down you are making it so that your CD sees people the same way he sees pigs. In my personal opinion people pour countless hours/ years into training a true man stopper. If you want a weekend sport dog that can do a little sleeve bite work once or twice a month you should be fine but don’t expect it to bite anyone without a sleeve on. Or you just want a dog that will bark at strangers near the house you should be fine but don’t expect it to stick with a guy who will to call his bluff. But it you want a real man stopper that you can point at someone and know they are going to get bit and where keep it separate.
Lastly and anyone who has picked up a bite sleeve will agree with me on this. Most dogs cant even bite a sleeve and only a small percent of them will truly bite a human and stay with it. My little dust buster vacuum has broken many hearts and shattered egos.
Tarheel K9 Police K9 Instructors Graduate
PSA Decoy (Nationally Selected)
Trained patrol dogs in Army
Advisor for multiple police/ sheriff depts
if a dog likes laying some teeth on a hog and he is tied back or on the other side of the fence from the hog...and he is in a slobber mouthed barking frenzy...I make sure that dog is out of my reach...I had my best and favorite cur dog that was very trustworthy latch on to my leg...I did give him a severe head ache...