The way the post was interpreted and granted....Internet interpretation..... was that it would be a better choice to bypass a top performing female line gyp and go with a lesser performing line gyp to breed to. Vice versa with the stud dog.
I can say have I done it in the past for experiment purposes....Yes
Did that type cross throw a top notch performer....No...I got exactly what I bred....mediocre pups..just like both parents.
My standpoint has always stayed the same on breeding.
Cross the best to the best and your gonna hit paydirt. Anything else and your just pumping out pups for the wrong reasons.
I believe in trialing each individual dog on performance to make sure they have what it takes to cut it as a solid hog dog way before thinking of throwing them into a brood pen.
To many folks out there in the puppy factory biz have got the breed to anything gyp just because she is a line dog covered.
Looking at a unknown puppy. First question is to both parents work? Biggest turn off to me personally is......she is a good line gyp................AND..what does she do? Saw to many LINE GYPS that are born culls and should have been CULLED.
Sorry guys still calling BS on this theory. Convince Me!