"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" Ronald Reagan....
... for some reason, I feel as though even typing this I may be put on some national "watch list" lol... hope I don't get any slack tryin' to board a plane next time

... just a question for yall to chew on... what extremes would you be willing to go to should someone invade your country and tell you how to live your life?
... For the sake of this argument, let's say the Chinese invaded the USA... came in and said, "look, no more Christianity.... everthing you own now belongs to us.... and began hunting down and wiping out anyone who dared to defy them...
... I, for one, would be willing to go to a level unimaginable by modern standards to defend my country/deter the invaders... ESPECIALLY given "unfair" odds...
Noah, I WILL do anything in my power to protect my family and my country!!! PERIOD! That's all I have to say about that...